
Showtime Movie Matinee (Every Saturday)

Medgar Evers Library 4215 Medgar Evers Blvd, Jackson

The Medgar Evers Library hosts family movie favorites, complete with popcorn, every Saturday at 1 PM! Register, today as space is limited. For more information, call 601-982-2867.

Computer Basics for Absolute Beginners (Every Monday)

Medgar Evers Library 4215 Medgar Evers Blvd, Jackson

 This course is for anyone who is brand new to working with computers. In this course, you will learn the basics of computers, from what they are to how they […]

1 on 1 Computer Sessions (Every Monday)

Medgar Evers Library 4215 Medgar Evers Blvd, Jackson

The 1 on 1 Computer Sessions are student directed, hands on, instruction sessions, following topics regarding whatever the student wants to learn to do on the computer. The sessions may […]

Fantastic Friday Story Time

Medgar Evers Library 4215 Medgar Evers Blvd, Jackson

Fantastic Friday is a story and craft time for children up to age 10. The event is held each Friday and registration is required. Please sign up in advance by […]

Your Local Book Club at Your Medgar Evers Library

Medgar Evers Library 4215 Medgar Evers Blvd, Jackson

The book club will discuss and come up with the next book to read together. That is the "your" part of the name of the book club. Everyone in the […]