Calendar of Events
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Letters to Santa
Kids, send a letter to Santa to let him know how nice you’ve been all year long! Parents, on November 18th, bring your little ones to the Medgar Evers Library for a magical chance to send their wishes to the North Pole! Kids can write or type a letter to Santa himself. Don’t miss out—this […]
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Story time with Santa
Story time with Santa
Santa is making a special trip to the Medgar Evers Library to read a story and spread some Holiday Cheer! After the story, children are welcome to visit with Santa to tell him what they want for Christmas while eating cookies and drinking hot chocolate.
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Read, Rock n’ Rhyme Story Time (Every Wednesday)
Read, Rock n' Rhyme story time is a program designed for ages 3 to 6 years old. It's time to get up and dance, shake, and wiggle as we share stories, songs, rhymes, and more! Registration is not required but preferred.
Everything S.T.R.E.A.M Program
Everything S.T.R.E.A.M Program
The activities will include different projects or experiments to engage the child in one of STREAM’S learning objectives and help prepare them for school and learning through a variety of scenarios.
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Celebrating Financial Wellness Month
January is Financial Wellness Month. Visit the Medgar Evers Library to learn more about all of the resources available to you. We will be displaying popular books and other resources by some of America’s top financial guides.
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Fantastic Friday Story Time
Fantastic Friday is a story and craft time for children up to age 10. The event is held each Friday and registration is required. Please sign up in advance by calling the library at (601) 982-2867. The fun starts at 10:00 AM. Come join us!
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Showtime Movie Matinee (Every Saturday)
The Medgar Evers Library hosts family movie favorites, complete with popcorn, every Saturday at 1 PM! Register, today as space is limited. For more information, call 601-982-2867.
Comic Club with Manny
Comic Club with Manny
The comic Club welcomes tween and teen enthusiasts interested in exploring comic books or crafting their own creations. Participants showcase their imaginative storytelling, world-building, and design skills, sharing their unique comics to delight others with stunning graphics. Join us to witness the creativity and innovation of our talented readers and artists as they develop their […]