Story Time w/Terry Head Start (Outreach)

Ella Bess Austin Library 420 Cunningham St, Terry, MS, United States

Story Time w/ Terry Head Start preschoolers. This program is every Wednesday, starting August 14.  

Fantastic Friday Story Time (Ongoing)

Medgar Evers Library 4215 Medgar Evers Blvd, Jackson, MS, United States

Fantastic Friday is a story and craft time for children up to age 10. The event is held each Friday and registration is required. Please sign up in advance by calling the library at (601) 982-2867. Fun starts at 10:00 AM. Come join us! 

Story Time

Bolden/Moore Library 1444 Wiggins Rd,, Jackson, MS, United States

BoldenMoore Library will be hosting story time for children ages 0-5. These events are for Tuesday October 9th and 23rd at 10a.m.  

Be Kind

Willie Morris Library 4912 Old Canton Rd, Jackson, MS, United States

Patrons will create a kindness flower and write kind messages about themselves on the flower petals.

Make a Teddy Bear

Willie Morris Library 4912 Old Canton Rd, Jackson, MS, United States

For National American Teddy Bear Day, patrons will create their own teddy bear using brown construction paper and craft materials. 

Fun with Clay (MS Museum of Art)

Medgar Evers Library 4215 Medgar Evers Blvd, Jackson, MS, United States

This program is designed to teach the fundamentals of working with clay on the potter’s wheel–no prior experience is necessary. Students will be introduced to basic throwing shapes, as well as the follow-up steps of trimming, handle making, and glazing. 

National Princess Day

Willie Morris Library 4912 Old Canton Rd, Jackson, MS, United States

For National Princess Day, patrons will design princess crowns. 

National Child’s Day

Willie Morris Library 4912 Old Canton Rd, Jackson, MS, United States

On National Child’s Day, children will be invited to play board games and complete fun arts and crafts. Participants will receive gummies and a fun activity book. 

My Wish List for Santa

Willie Morris Library 4912 Old Canton Rd, Jackson, MS, United States

Patrons can create their own wish list for Santa.  

Stuffed Animal Sleepover

Medgar Evers Library 4215 Medgar Evers Blvd, Jackson, MS, United States

Parents and their kids can visit the Medgar Evers Library for a special story time with one of their favorite stuffed animal friends. Once the story time is finished, the kids leave their stuffed animals behind at the library to enjoy a fun sleepover! The stuffed animals are then photographed having all sorts of fun […]

Storytime (Every Tuesday)

Beverly J. Brown Library 5901-B Terry Road, Byram, MS, United States

We will have a story time which will include questions about what pictures are on the page. We explore our colors, shapes, and numbers in our activity room, with games. There will also be an arts and crafts project related to the book that we have read. For October and November, many of our stories […]