Calendar of Events
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Byram Book Club (Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday)
The Byram Book Club is an adult social group that meets every other Wednesday to discuss a specific book. The focus is Mississippi writers, but we also cover southern writers from our neighboring states. Coffee or water is available when wanted. If there is a special guest or holiday, we will have coffee and cookies.
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Plant Swap
Plant Swap
To celebrate National Houseplant Day, patrons will exchange plants and share essential information about how to keep them healthy and alive.
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Vision Board Party
Vision Board Party
For National Vision Board Day, patrons will complete their own vision boards using pictures and words from magazines and newspapers. Light refreshments will be served.
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Silver Horizons (Wednesdays)
Join Us at Alexander Library! We at Alexander Library would like to extend a warm invitation to all senior citizens for our specially designed workshops and classes. Whether you're interested in learning about computers, exploring new crafts, enjoying fun games, or simply engaging in friendly conversation, we have something for everyone. Come join us every […]
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Celebrating Martin Luther’s King Jr. Legacy
Celebrating Martin Luther’s King Jr. Legacy
For the MLK holiday, we will show the movie Selma to patrons and create a display table to reflect the work of Martin Luther King Jr.